Magnolia Dev Days 2019 - The full recap
Feb. 5, 2019
large group of people posing for a photo

Magnolia Dev Days 2019 - The full recap

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Curious about what happened during our two epic days of talks, learning and knowledge sharing?

After coffee, croissants and muffins, our guests joined in-depth workshops with Magnolia experts. From how to build websites quickly without the need to write code in Java, to flexing their pre-sales skills while bridging business and technology gaps, attendees could choose from a wide range of topics.

In the afternoon? On your marks, get set, hack!

The first-ever Magnolia mini-hackathon: three hours to eat pizza, drink beverages, and hack with the helping hands of Magnolia coaches. An esteemed panel of judges then chose the winners: Arne Diekmann, Richard Gange and Leah Staniorski with a project about creating an IDE for Magnolia.

hackaton rich leah dev days 2019

The second day started with a keynote from Yariv Adan (product lead at Google Zurich, working on the Google Assistant) about the paradigm shift to Natural UI.

Want to know more? We can't give away the keynote details, so be sure to join us next time!

yariv adan

The second keynote was from Jan Haderka, our Chief Technology Officer, about the latest and greatest from Magnolia.

We had a recap of the most recent developments and an outlook for the future, an exclusive preview of the new Magnolia UI, AI-powered contextual search, content models and many more exciting features.

Our guests' favourite part? The lightning talks!

Developers from all over the world proposed five-minute talks to share their knowledge with their peers.

Elastic Search Module Reloaded, Denis Lobo, Neofonie

Bye-Bye Bootstrap, Rich Gange, Magnolia

CELUM DAM meets Magnolia CMS, Michael Degiampietro, Brix

Magnolia & Siteimprove, Nicolai Munch Andersen, Siteimprove

Light Deployments, Vivian Steller, Lemonize

Paperboy, Arne Diekmann, Neoskop

In the afternoon we had our famous Unconference. The developers split into groups to discuss personalization, integration patterns, UX, AI, and much much more.

After a wrapup with awards, it was PARTY TIME of course.

dev days party

Thank you all for coming! It was a great event, super interesting and so much fun.

See you - sooner than you think!

Über den autor

Sorina Mone

Marketer, Magnolia

Sorina gestaltet die Marken- und Produktkommunikation von Magnolia. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf der Nachfragesteigerung und Verkaufsförderung, damit Partner und Kunden bestmöglich von diesem großartigen Produkt profitieren können.