Magnolia for Technical Leads

Build a flexible technology stack that enables your developers and marketers to co-create digital experiences lightning fast.


Fast and Flexible

When creating digital experiences, your teams should not be held back by old software suites no longer fit for purpose. The way you develop, launch, and update experiences for various channels has changed. So should your tools.

Many forward-looking organizations now use agile and seek to enable non-technical employees to create and manage digital content and experiences. Magnolia’s content management system (CMS) and digital experience platform (DXP) give your developers and marketers the right tools to go to market quickly and delight your customers with experiences that impress.

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Accelerate Your Headless Projects

The headless approach in web development gives your teams the flexibility to build unique frontends using the development tools they like. The downside is that it takes more time and effort to build custom templates and functionality. To help you develop headless projects faster, our team created a unifying design system offering:

  • A library of UI patterns for the most popular frontend frameworks
  • Typesafe programming in your IDE of choice
  • Task automation via command line

Learn how your developers can save hours of work using Magnolia, giving them back time to invest in developing new, differentiating experiences.

Transform Your Architecture, Transform Your Digital Experiences

Manage content effectively

Deliver consistent customer experiences on any channel by managing all your content in one place using custom content types. Go headless and access content through our APIs with support for GraphQL to decouple content from presentation, use our visual page editor, or do both.

Work with your favorite framework

Use the frontend framework your developers love, such as React, Angular, or Vue while allowing your content authors and marketers to co-create experiences. Enabling developers to use the Jamstack or their architecture of choice boosts efficiency, makes skills transferable, and is more fun. (open source dxp platform)

Enable developers and marketers

Enable marketers to perform website tasks, including SPAs and PWAs themselves, while staying true to the headless principles. With our WYSIWYG editor, marketers can create and preview experiences using components that your developers created. This gives your marketers editorial freedom and lets your developers focus on coding rather than content.

Choose your tech stack

Make best use of your technology investment by deeply integrating Magnolia with adjacent technologies. Personalize experiences with your CRM data; sync form fills with your marketing automation tool; or pull product information straight from your commerce platform.

Host anywhere

Run Magnolia anywhere you like. Deploy it in your data center of choice or choose between a fully managed PaaS and a custom cloud deployment for ultimate flexibility. Our cloud options include high availability, security, 24/7 monitoring, and backup and recovery.


Ensure that your data and content are secure. Magnolia is ISO 27001 certified and uses JAAS for authentication. Make use of security features like user and group ACLs, SSO, and LDAP. For security in the cloud, we host your instance as a single tenant with a dedicated database.

Magnolia Multisource

Integrations Made Easy with Low-code

Whether you start a project from scratch or embark on a digital transformation journey, you will probably want to embed Magnolia in your technology landscape. We offer connector packs and integration frameworks for Commerce, Marketing Automation, Analytics, DAM, and Optimization platforms to facilitate a seamless user experience.

If you want to access content from other systems within Magnolia’s UI, Magnolia Multisource makes content integrations fast and easy.

We’re here to help

Get as much or little help as you want. Our sales and customer success managers, professional services team and our partners will make sure that your Magnolia project will be a success. If you’re running Magnolia as a mission-critical application, we offer support 24/7 and SLAs for a quick response.

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Managing an Enterprise DXP

Building and managing a digital experience platform for the enterprise has its challenges. Make use of our access controls; approval, translation, and custom workflows; multi-site management; integration frameworks; and visual SPA editor to create and launch experiences securely and efficiently.

Our professional services team and our partners will help you to get up and running as quickly as possible.

Magnolia Helps You Create Unique Digital Experiences at Amazing Speed

Request your demo to learn about our product, integrations, and pricing and discover how Magnolia can help your business:

  • Reduce development cycles.
  • Future-proof your architecture with a modular approach.
  • Empower your editors and marketers with easy-to-use tools.
  • Save money - no hidden costs.

We’ll get back to you within one business day to find out more about your needs and schedule a demo at a time that suits you.

400+ market leaders build their digital experiences with Magnolia:
